Mark Albin

mark albin homeMark is a shiatsu therapist, meditation guide, spiritual mentor, and traslator. His work is based on his long experience with Japan and Zen Buddhism.

Mark offers shiatsu treatments; 'Resilience'' workshops, qigong classes, and meditation courses (Stillness & Movement). The goal of his work is to provide support that has a strong  and enduring energetic quality.  

Mark also translates articles and books from German into English.

Blog 7: a journey to south india

read <here>


Weekly Stillness and Movement/Qigong

ONLINE - in English

Thursdays 15:00 - 16:15 Central European Time

 more information




Meditation, Qigong, and Service ⇒ read here

 “The encounter with Mark continues to be a special kind of immersion. I achieve deep relaxation and at the same time deeper themes can be resolved during the treatment and in conversations.” A.

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